He is a BIG boy. Aaden is not a baby anymore. Ouch. That pretty much hurts this mama's feelings. He is sleeping in his own bed lately. He began sleeping in bed with us at 4 months old when he began teething. We started out doing really well after he was born. We didn't even do the whole 'bassinet' thing. He slept in his crib from day 1. Until month 4 when sleep was oh so precious and we had a very irritable baby from teeth coming in. Hey, whatever works. Last weekend we bought him a big boy bed. He's really doing well in it. Sometimes he will go to sleep, no problems. A few nights he wanted in bed with us, then once he fell asleep, we would just transfer him over and he'd sleep all night.
He has BIG personality. He was coughing this morning on the way to daycare and he told me he needed to go to the doctor. Pardon? He also told Tyler and I last night that we needed to be quiet because the babies are sleeping. There's no telling how many times he hears that a day at school. He will dance, and sing, and says some things that are so 'big' for a 2 year old.
He pitches BIG fits. I'm not sure who he inherited this from. Surely not me.... But he can throw a tantrum like you've never seen. Or maybe you have, and you can sympathize. We have been having a problem of getting him in his carseat. He doesn't want to sit there any more. He wants to crawl from the backseat into the driver's seat or sit in the seat next to his carseat. You pretty much have to throw him in his carseat, distract him (somehow), and buckle him in in 0.3 seconds or else it gets ugly. And well, yesterday, it got ugly. I was pulling him out of the passenger seat, and he had a toy airplance in his hand. He pitched a fit and threw his toy airplane at our car. Gasp. I almost cried. We have only had our car 2 months and for that half second the plane was in mid air, I had a vision of the biggest scratch going down the side of our brand new to us car. Thankfully it didnt, but boy was he in big trouble. Scratch or no scratch.
He loves BIG. I've always said that if Aaden loves something, he loves it alot. He loves us. Loves climbing in our laps and watching Cars. Another something he loves. Poor Tyler has to watch it every night with him. He'll keep repeating "Wanna watch Cars" until he finally turns it on. We could probably leave him and go eat and come back and he'd still be in the same spot. Not that we'd do that....ha! Aaden also loves babies. When they cry, he'll just squeeze them harder. He loves Maddie, his Di Di and Grandpa Roger's dog. Thank goodness she loves him back or we'd be in trouble. We are trying to teach him how to love her the right way. As in, NOT choking her.