Thursday, October 25, 2012
16 Months
Savannah turned 16 months old last week. I can hardly believe it! She is so sweet, I could just eat her up with a spoon! Her little personality is really starting to shine. She is a such a ham. I have never done monthly updates on Savannah or Aaden, but thought I'd give an update (mainly for me to look back on).
What's been going on with little sister...
*Wearing 18 month clothes. Can wear some 18-24 month.
*Size 4 diaper.
*Weights about 22-23 lbs.
*Tiny, tiny feet! She wears a size 3 shoe. I think we'll be moving to size 4 soon,though.
*Would eat all day long if we let her. Normally I give her some applesauce in the morning when she wakes up to hold her off until she gets to school and then eats breakfast there. She isn't picky at all. Normally eats all of her breakfast, lunch, and snack at school. Her afternoon teacher has had to give her as many as 2 1/2 nutrigrain bars for snack. The girl loves her food.
*Says Da Da, Ma Ma, bro bro (brother), Di Di, Paw (Pee Paw), doggy, woof woof, bye bye, hey, Ella (friend at school).
*Takes 1 nap during the nap. Normally from 12-2. Goes to sleep between 6:15- 7:00 P.M. and sleeps until about 6:30 or 7:00. Loves her sleep like her Mommy, Daddy, and brother!
*Loves playing outside. Her favorite toy is Aaden's push lawn mower.
*Loves playing with Aaden and thinks he's so funny! Doesn't like when he tries to pick her up.
We love you so much, Savannah!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The Pre-K Diet
We have been busy, busy at the Marsh house. I know I have said this before, but when both parents have full time jobs- one of them being night shift, things can get just a little hairy. To top it off, we have all been sick. I know it's hard for a family to stay well with 2 little ones at school picking up nasty germs. Such is life, I suppose!
We have had some problems with Aaden throwing temper tantrums at school as well as at home. Not to sound crazy, but he has always been a ball of fire. He lives with a passion that I know will benefit him one day. A passion that I have been praying he will turn into passion for his Savior and to lead others to Christ when he gets a little older. However, at 4 years old, this character quality is looked down upon.
In utter frustration one night, I began googling "temper tantrums in 4 year olds". Apparently alot of parents still have problems just like we do. That same night as I was doing my usual "blog stalking", I happened upon a blog that I had read many times before, but had not visited in a while. She mentioned that they had seen behavioral issues in their daughter and found that she was very sensitive to preservatives, sugar, and food dyes. Once eliminated or reduced from her diet, her temper tantrums were fewer and she was more receptive to discipline.
It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. Aaden's diet is not good. He is the pickest of all picky eaters. He hates any vegetable. Ever since he has started his new school, we have been responsible for feeding him breakfast before we drop him off. Every morning his request is....drumroll.....pancakes. Yes friends, mommy of the year award won't go to me this year. We are (basically) following the Feingold Plan for him and limiting sugar, no foods with dyes, and natural ingredients.
We started him on this new diet and almost immediately saw an improvement. His teacher said he had a great week last week. Now instead of pancakes, he either eats a biscuit with natural grape jelly or cheese toast on wheat bread. He likes water, so drinks aren't really an issue. Believe me when I say that I understand that this won't get rid of every tantrum, but so far we have seen amazing results.
We also scheduled an appointment with his pediatrician just to talk to him and tell him that he had been acting out and even being aggressive with us and he assured us it was normal. Even though he is 4, he is still very immature. He said if he was still acting out when he was 6 or so, then we'd talk again. He also told us that some of the brightest kids are the most "difficult" behaviorally . Honestly, I was afraid he'd take one look at him and write "ADHD" under his diagnosis. I hate labeling kids. That wasn't the case. He was very impressed with how Aaden talked to him and answered his questions appropriately.
So I guess this will be a new normal for us, and that's just fine by me. We all want what's best for our children. Even if that means saying NO to sugar and things that aren't good for him. If you will, say a little prayer that somehow his tiny 4 year old brain could understand a little and be receptive to his new foods. I'll do an update again in a few weeks.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Christmas Cards
It's already that time of the year again. If your Wal-Mart & Lowe's is like ours, they have already begun putting their Christmas decorations out. I think it gets earlier and earlier every year. It's about that time to start thinking about Christmas cards, too! We have always used Shutterfly for our prints and photo books. In fact, they send me emails and promotions all the time. I just recently made a photo book for Savannah's first birthday party for FREE! Their quality is excellent and you can't beat their prices. You can visit their Special Offers page at
They have released their 2012 Christmas Cards and it's going to be tough picking out my favorite. Here are a few samples...

See? I told you so! They are so cute! I can't wait to order ours...
*This is a sponsored post by Shutterfly*
They have released their 2012 Christmas Cards and it's going to be tough picking out my favorite. Here are a few samples...
See? I told you so! They are so cute! I can't wait to order ours...
*This is a sponsored post by Shutterfly*
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