Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Mother's Prayer on the First Day of School

Here we are again, Lord.  Their backpacks are loaded and their faces are scrubbed and the lunch accounts are full.
And I know You’ll walk with them, Lord.  You always do.  But a mom still has to ask.

Will you walk with them?  Will you whisper to them what they need to hear, when I’m not there to whisper it?

Will you please, oh please, cover their school with the protection only You can give, and will You keep harm far away?
Will you make their minds strong and ready to learn?  Will you help them understand that hard work honors the One who created them?

Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience and wisdom and creativity?  Will you bless them for their efforts?
Will you love all those children there, the ones whose lunch accounts aren’t full, the ones who feel alone?  Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish and to love those who are different from them? 
Will You point them back toward home just as soon as you can?

Lord, I give them to You today and every day, trusting them to Your care.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First day of Pre-K

Take 1....

Take 2...

Take 3....

Thursday, August 9, 2012

20 Questions

I found this idea on another blog a while back.  I thought it was a great idea.  Aaden answered these questions on his 4th birthday and will continue until he's 18.  I'm going to get a book printed out with all of his answers.  I think it will be so neat to see how his answers change from year to year. 

Here's my little interview with Aaden... (FYI- He had just seen a commercial about a little boy building a rocketship.  Neither Tyler or I have ever attempted to actually build a rocketship! Ha!)

1. What is your favorite thing to eat?  Popsicles

2. What is your favorite color?  Blue!

3. Who is your best friend?  Ava, Kaitlyn, Madison

4. What do you and mommy do together? Build a rocketship

5.  What do you and daddy do together?  Build a rocketship

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Astronaut

7. What's your favorite movie?  Chipmunks!

8. What's your favorite TV show?  Mickey

9. What do you like to do outside?  Build a rocketship 

10.  What's your favorite book?  Trucks  (The book really is called Trucks.  He LOVES it!)

11. What's your favorite game? Rocketship

12. What's your favorite toy?  My submarine

13. What's your favorite animal?  Elephant

14. What makes you happy?  "trucks, elephants, and everything.....and rocketships!"

15. What makes you sad?  Bad guys

16. Where do you like to go?  Radiator Springs  (He's referring to Cars Land at Disney Land.  He's never been but wants to go so badly!)

17. What's something mommy says to you? "No, no Aaden"  (ha!)

18. What's something daddy says to you? "Hello, Aaden" 

19. What are you good at?  "Finding clues on the ground"

20.  How old are you?  (He holds up 4 fingers, then says...) I don't know!

Happy birthday, Aaden!

On Tuesday, our sweet boy turned 4 years old.  I can hardly believe it!  He is so precious, funny, full of personality, and definitely has his daddy's stubborn side.  He is a joy and keeps us on our toes.  If I could describe him in one way it would be that he's 100% boy!  Loves to get rough, play outside, get dirty, and learn about trucks.

I kept them both at home on Tuesday.  We waited until T got home from work and headed to Tupelo!  We had been telling him that we had a surprise.  We pulled into Chuck E Cheese and he was in heaven.  My aunt and Gingaw met us there and he had the best time.  I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to have to carry my good camera around.

We left Chuck E Cheese and went to eat at Mt. Fugi.  We had a sweet waiter named Jerry.  He was so good with Aaden!

Here he is trying to blow out his sparkler (impossible!).  Once the fire went out, he went to town on his ice cream.

Jerry suggested that Aaden try "Japanese soda".  We had no idea what that was, but Aaden was willing to try it! It has a little glass ball in there that you push down to release all the fizz.  Aaden thought it was awesome.  Side note- we let him drink TWO of these.  I though we were going to be in big trouble, but realized they are only 70 calories a piece.  I refused to look at the sugar content.. :-/

Pushing the ball down into his soda

Aaden adores his Peepaw. 

Please, please excuse the no makeup, hair in a pony tail look.  Savannah decided she only wanted to take a 30 minute nap and cried the whole time I was taking a shower and trying to get ready.  I'm not sure what was going on with little sister that day, but she wasn't in the best mood.  Maybe teeth?

Pure sweetness.  They adore each other.

Only picture I could get of Tyler and Aaden.  Aaden was tired of taking pictures and wanted to go to Toy's R Us.  My dad let him pick out a toy there since his party isn't for another week and a half.  He picked out a Roary the Racing Car and some crazy candy thing that has an airplane that lights up and blows a little fan.  He doesn't even realize there's candy in there!  Just loves that little airplane.

We headed home after a quick trip to Toys R Us.  Sav slept the whole way back and we all crashed as soon as we walked in the door.  Aaden wanted to get his new Roary out, but I told him Roary was too tired.  Where do you think Roary ended up?  Yes folks, in the bed with us! 

He had such a fun birthday, and can't wait until his swim party next Saturday!

Happy birthday sweet boy!  We love you to the moon and back!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sleep is for sissies

When I first accepted a job at the hospital I work at, I worked on a post-partum and pediatric floor from 3-11.  It was a total God send.  However, my hubby worked 5:00 AM- 2:00 PM, and we literally passed each other on the road with me going to work and him coming home.  The only time I saw him Monday through Friday was after I got home when he and A were already in bed.  It wasn't easy, but we did what we had to do.

Fast forward 10 months and administration decides to put our unit on 12 hour shifts.  Not long after that, I had Savannah and went on maternity leave.  I will never forget the first time I worked a 12 hour night shift.  I called my dad to to help me stay awake and I was still nodding off while driving.  It was so scary and incredibly dangerous.  The only thing I could do was get in the door and fall on the couch.  I didn't even make it to our bed.  I was so tired I was sick.  Literally.  I thought I was going to throw up.

Eventually my body got used to this crazy schedule.  A big part in thanks to my friend caffiene.  Sometimes though, like this morning, I wake up when T heads to work and can't fall back asleep.  My body has no idea when it is supposed to sleep, so it wants to sleep a little during the day and a little at night when I'm off.

I'm sure it doesn't help that we have major life changes going on right now, and my mind just doesn't want to let me rest.  Does anyone else have a crazy schedule that keeps them from sleeping a "regular" schedule?  I'd love to hear any tips on how to maintain a healthy sleep cycle!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I don't know about y'all, but we are in full swing pre-school craziness.  Aaden starts pre-k in 2 weeks at a big kid school.  We are leaving our daycare days behind.  He is excited.  We are excited.  Lots of excitement in the Marsh household!  I really can't believe he's even old enough to go to school.  It really feels like yesterday he was learning to walk, then I blinked and he's singing his ABC's and telling me his colors.  He wrote his first "A" a few weeks ago and I almost hit the floor! 

I know this isn't uncharted territory.  I know other parents have gone down this road.  I know I can't be the only one who worries.  I worry that he'll make sweet friends.  I worry and hope that he'll be a sweet friend.  I hope his teachers love on him and guide him to do great things.  I hope they see him like I do....  A precious, barely even 4 year old boy who loves his nap,  refuses to eat anything that is green, is grumpy in the mornings, and has an imagination that Walt Disney would be proud of! 

Tyler and I just pray that the Lord would watch over him as he begins this next chapter of his life.  I know he will.  I know Aaden will be successful.  I don't care if he doesn't make the honor roll, or he is voted Most Popular, Best Dressed, or whatever award they come up with next.  I pray he learns how to be a friend, how to forgive, share, and to be compassionate to others.  I also pray that the Lord guides us in how to parent him the way He wants.

Okay, now on a lighter note.  Did you guys watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics?  We had been on an official countdown leading up to last Friday night!  I had no idea it was going to last that long.  Goodness!  I never thought they would get through all those countries.  It was beautiful seeing all the nations of people come together under one roof.  I kept thinking about how that's what heaven will be like.  I am thankful for those little glimpses that the Lord provides.

Last Saturday,  our Missisippi State head football coach came to a local car dealership for a meet and greet.  Tyler took Aaden while Savannah and I took a nap.  This is the second time Aaden has had his picture made with Dan Mullen.  He had a great time!  Tyler took him to eat at Umi which is a Japanese steakhouse afterwards.  He also got a snowcone (his fave!)

I have been on the hunt for new scrubs.  Our little town only has 1 store and the selection can be not so great.  My favorite scrubs are made by Med Couture.  They are so comfy which is so important.  Our unit in the hospital has to wear scrubs that have pink or black.  It can really limit the scrubs you can buy when you can only have a certain color.  I already had 2 sets of these, but bought another pair today along with a lab jacket.  They look like this..


If anyone has a website or certain brand they like, I'd love to hear!